Saturday, July 30, 2011
The last "rendezvous"
At 10 in Sigillo square the prize giving ceremony will end this World Champs.
Today wonderful weather with full sun and light wind.
Friday, July 29, 2011
Other 30 minutes delay
The problem now seems to be the turbolence reported by dummies in front of thw take off
Task and safety committees are discussing
Task eastward. Probably landing in Esanatoglia.
But the weather is still evolving
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Wait, again...
As the forecast is not completely negative there will be a second TLB at 11 am to decide what to do
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Rescue out of competition
The launch of a reserve parachute was confirmed.
The pilot landed safe.
At the present time I have no other news.
Pilots are flying just above the take off.
It seems that somebody trew the reserve chute, no injuries reported
Free flights
Pilots are taking off out of competition. Very weak thermals: they are only 100 m above us.
It rains in Sansepolcro now
Task briefing
The sky is cloudy and 50 westward it is raining.
It is hard to decide what to do.
Maybe we are still going to wait
Everybody up
Pilots are on the way to Cucco South take off.
The forecast is not very good, but We try!
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
GPS download will start shortly, then you can find the "live results" on our official website
This picture has been taken towards tp3. The biggest group of pilots is just in the center. They have to work hard to reach the goal
The clouds are covering the sun and the conditions are getting weak. Everybody slow down and now from the landing we can see an enormous mass of pilots over tp3
We need other 20 of sun!!
Current weather
Many cumulus in the sky, cloudbase around 2200 m, some shovers far away towards Tuscany.
Centro del volo "livetrack"
Do not forget to follow the task.
A maxi screen is available in the HQ to look at it with friends
Thunderstorms are expected on the east face of the ridge, so it is possible that the task will take place over the west part, between Nocera and Gubbio.
Pilots were requested not to setup immediately the gliders but to wait up the hill for a wind stabilization
Let's do it!
Super fast briefing. Pilots on the way to South take off after picking up their lunch package.
Electricity in the air, everyone wants to do the best today.
Good day?
Maybe today We will have the second task.
At the present time the sky is clear and the wind is light
The forecast calls for thunderstorm in the afternoon so the race has to start early.
The only doubt is about the take off: South or North?
At 9 the first answer
Monday, July 25, 2011
Cucco North
The staff is already on the way to takeoff. Pilots are leaving now.
The mountain is still covered by clouds but We hope it clears soon
Today the wind changed from Noetg and it is not so strong.
Unfortunately yesterday's thunderstorm took a lot of humidity and cold air so now the cloud base is very low.
Our meteoman says that it is getting better...
TLB at 9, as usual, will take a decision
Sunday, July 24, 2011
The second TLB will start shortly.
The sky is still grey and I fear they are going to cancel the task.
In a few minutes we'll know the decision
Today still cloudy and windy.
As yesterday the sun came out in the afternoon, today maybe the directors will wait before deciding about the task, to use every possibility
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Light rain and strong wind at take off. It'hard to say that today they can fly...
But maybe... More updates in one hour
Friday, July 22, 2011
The Dutchmen
They Netherland national team found a religious march on they way back home. Some they arrived too late to donwload Theo tracks.
Their results will be available tomorrow morning
Good night
Are you watching? Click on the right side bar and enjoy the task.
In real time: the first group is at 2000 mt again :)
Top landing!
Jeff O'brien made top landing because had some problems with the instruments.
Now is working on them e looking for a relauch if possible
The clouds are growing
Now there is a lot of shade in front of us. Maybe the next few minutes will be weak...
Durand made a spectacular take off
Go go go
All the lines full and super fast takeoff...
More than 80 get airborne in 30 minutes. Marvellous
The trip took a while and pilots are still unloading the cars.
In the meantime the committees are discussing about the task.
It seems this time the Worlds will start ;)
Sounds good
Subasio South take off is filling with gliders.
The conditions are good.
Unfortunately I am not able to send photos here
The trip took a while and pilots are still unloading the cars.
In the meantime the committees are discussing about the task.
It seems this time the Worlds will start ;)
Pilots are moving
New takeoff at monte Subasio today. It seems the conditions are better there.
All pilots are starting in these moments and the parking is overcrowded
Thursday, July 21, 2011
First setup
Pilots are preparing. The wind is strong but not too much.
Cloudbase 200 m above the take off but it's climbing
Let's go!
Today task will start from Cucco south takeoff.
The weather forecast is quite good, the only doubt is about the wind, that's increasing during the day.
First aim: reach the take off and start shortly :)
Today, maybe...
The wind drops and the weather seems not to be so bad... In 45 minutes we will know if today the pilots will fight.
Write you soon :)
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Task canceled
Bad weather and strong wind today. No chance to fly.
Tomorrow the forecast is 70% positive... Cross your fingers
Air Space
Pilots are not allowed to fly inside Perugia airport airspace.
To avoid infringement and penalties they can upload airspace coordinates in their instruments
The third competition day has come but the weather seems not to get better.
Last night there was a thunderstorm. Now many cumulus and still quite strong wind. The temperature also drops and the day is unstable.
"MeteoMan" Alberto is now studying the charts, waiting for the team leader briefing at 9
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Line assistants briefing
After the team leader's decisions Celeste update the staff about how to manage the gliders setup and the take off order
Task canceled
Today still strong wind and task canceled.
But We trust in the future and the live tracking devices are now charging for tomorrow
Strong wind
Also today a very strong wind is blowing at Cucco's take off.
At the present time the automatic wind information system reports 55-71 kmh...
Monday, July 18, 2011
Sunday, July 17, 2011
The opening ceremony is running now.
The entire town is along the way to welcome the pilots from all over the world
Mexican job
Big problems for the Mexican team.
Their flight from Mexico City to Europe was deleted and they lost the connection. So their hang gliders "get lost".
Now they are on the way back from Milan, were they finally picked up the wings.
Unfortunately the team wont be present at the opening ceremony.